Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
This blog site is an attempt to initiate you into the world of personal finance. Many of you who are new to the world of finance or have just taken the plunge, will be faced with a lot of choices, opinions, and lurking opportunities. This will leave you confused and clueless, faced with the dilemma of what to do next.
Whenever you come face to face with these kinds of situations, you will have to decide the next step for yourself. Nobody knows what the outcome would be. But to make an informed decision, you need to be enabled with the right set of tools. You need to be aware of what possibly awaits you at the end of the road. We aim to help you in this decision-making process through this blog site.
About me:
I am Partho. A regular guy with an interest in finance. I wish to make it easier for people to understand the basics of personal finance, so I decided to start this blog. I hope this will help people tread through the myriad of financial opportunities and make decisions wisely.